Cossy Ojiakor’s ex, Abel rubs off tattoo of her name from his body (Photos)


Cossy Ojiakor

Nigerian actress, Cossy Orjiakor’s ex, Abel Jurgen has tried to rub off a tattoo of her name he got.

Recall that Abel Jurgen had hinted on removing a tattoo of Cossy Ojiakor’s name from his body after calling off their engagement following a fight in 2020.

Abel who shared a photo of his arm to show the rub off or covered-up tattoo, also accused Cossy of hiring people to hack his social media accounts.

He wrote: “After covering up some #tattoos on my body. And after months of not chatting not talking to my #ex she decided to get someone to hack my account though she couldn’t get my Instagram,Facebook and yahoo mail accounts just my gmail account and I lost almost all my contacts, though it’s cool I still got 2 more gmails accounts… #fuck #fuckmyex #ilovebeingfree”


Cossy Ojiakor

Cossy Ojiakor

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