Corporate Affairs Commission refuses to register ‘Operation Shege ka FASA’


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Nigeria’s Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) has refused the application of the Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) to register its security outfit, ‘Operation Shege ka FASA’. The CNG are taking a cue from the South-West ‘Operation Amotekun’.

Recall that the governors of the northern states and the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar lll, distanced themselves from the proposed outfit.

By a letter dated March 9, 2020, signed by  Omekwe Paul Kode, said, “The CAC regrets to inform you that it was unable to approve any of the name(s) submitted for approval.”

But addressing journalists in Kaduna on Saturday, the spokesman for the CNG, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, said the coalition was displeased with the refusal of the CAC to register the security outfit.

Suleiman said, “The CNG  takes strong exception to the refusal by the CAC to register the proposed northern Nigeria security initiative via its letter of denial dated March 09, 2020 on the grounds that the word ‘security’ is misleading.

“We find it contradictory for the CAC to accept to register the Western Nigerian Security Network and at the same time reject another application with a similar title from the North.

“The Corporate Affairs Commission should note that we at the CNG are conversant with the provisions of the Company and Allied Matters Act that makes allowance for consent of the CAC Registrar General in such cases.

“In pursuit of our right under the above provision, therefore, we applied for the consent of the Registrar General, CAC, in a letter dated March 18, 2020, which was duly received by the registrar’s office same day.

“As a further step, we have written the office of the Attorney General of the Federation intimating him of the steps we have taken.

“For the avoidance of doubt, CNG is hereby giving notice of its readiness to seek legal redress in the court of law in the event the relevant authorities insist on denying our constitutional right to registration.

“While the general northern population has completely embraced the move, the CAC has turned down the request for registration of  the Northern Nigerian Security Initiative.

“This unfolding scenario has compelled the CNG to invariably conclude that some laws only apply to select sections of the country and not meant to be enjoyed by other sections of the same country.

“This suspicion is confirmed when the Western Nigeria Security Network, that encompasses the Amotekun security outfit, was registered under the same law, by the same commission that will not recognise a similar request from northern Nigeria.”

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