By William Aborisade.
It’s a, real, strong message. Am happy, this is happening, closer to us. Here, are blacks like us, not the Arabs, in the Arab Spring episode, taking their destiny, in their hands.
Everybody, everywhere, is getting to realize that the incidence of chronic-poverty of the masses, co-habiting with excessive-opulence of a few, has nothing doing with race, religion or ethnicity -these mundane sentiments are being used to distract our attention from the real issues, that define the poverty/opulence dichotomy and polarize us, so they can enjoy their loots, while we fight on. Nor does it have anything to do with work habits or mental ability. It is, all, about a selfish and greedy few doing their tricks. Fela saw this as he sang Pastor and Imam, in one of his, many, records. The few seize the instrumentality of power and use it to amass more wealth than any sane person requires, denying the masses of the people, access to decent living: good hospitals; good schools; good diets; security; recreation. They go further, to share the few police men to themselves and their wives (aka: first ladies), while the rest of us make do with megaadi (private security).
Thomas Sankara, the charismatic Burkinabian leader, was murdered, in questionable circumstances, by the enemies of Burkina Faso with the connivance and support of foreign collaborators, who saw the huge prospects in his populist drive -the prospect of Burkina Faso rising to stardom. He held a very radical view of poverty, among his people and was determined to confront it, headlong. He was, un-apologetically, egalitarian in his styles of life.
Here, we are. As I watched the scene, on the TV, I could not hold back my excitement, as I shouted power to the people.
It’s a lesson to, us, all. The elite must stop living in the illusion of comfort -truth is, no comfort here -no public officer (honest ones) can afford to buy a brand new car, we are making do with used cars -let’s hope cars used by ebola patients, won’t be brought here. I marvel, each time I see shops displaying used pants and komu (bras)! -in this same country of the promises of the First Republic!
I, hereby, finally, implore everyone to read El Rufai’s Accidental Civil Servant and watch, online (Youtube) Lamido Sanusi’s speech, titled: “Vested interests” in which he spoke about a bank Managing Director who stole 200 billion naira (did I hear someone say insane?), out of peoples’ savings! Our’s is a nation of anything goes (Domkat Bali). Lunatics are on the prowl! This isn’t ordinary! People are possessed!
The picture shows the Youths of Burkina Faso daring the AK 47 wielding soldiers to topple Blaise Campaore’s Dictatorship!