Buhari, his Service Chiefs have no idea of solving Nigeria’s insecurity problem –Tanko Yakasai says


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An elder stateman and founding member of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, has joined those demanding for the sack of the current Service Chiefs by President Muhammadu Buhari.

Yakasai, former Liaison Officer to ex-President Shehu Shagari, said the current Service Chiefs have run out of ideas on how to resolve the current issue of insecurity in the country.

While having a chat with Vanguard, Yakasai said Buhari needs to change tactics and seek fresh hands that would help in bringing an end to issues of insecurity in the country.

According to Yakasai, the current Service Chiefs are under-qualified to handle the country’s security challenges.

Yakasai said: “President Buhari was elected by Nigerians and he should listen to them by dropping the service chiefs who have since reached retirement age in the military and appoint new ones with fresh ideas to do the job for which we elected him to do.

“The president’s idea about insecurity has proved inadequate to deal with the threat to our lives and property and he should urgently change tactics and personnel in order to win the war against rising threats to the lives of Nigerians.

“From what we have seen so far, he has not been able to solve the security problems staring the nation in the face and should seek new hands to help him do the job.”

1 thought on “Buhari, his Service Chiefs have no idea of solving Nigeria’s insecurity problem –Tanko Yakasai says

  1. Though the issue of insecurity in the country is grave and not funny, but your thoughts and ideas that Buhari is in charge and therefore should fire his service chiefs is indeed laughable! It is laughable because, you are assuming that President Buhari is in charge and therefore can affect change.

    President Buhari and his service chiefs were the ones that declared that fighting against Boko Haram (a terrorist organization) is akin to fighting against the north…! And all of you people kept quiet.

    President and his service chiefs were the ones that opened the borders to let all Fulani people in west Africa to come to Nigeria to claim their land that Allah has promised them…! And you people saw that and kept quiet.

    President Buhari and his service chiefs have seen or watched on TV thousands of videos of kidnapped fellow Nigerians; many of those have been killed either by be-heading or shot in the back of the head…! And you people saw it and kept quiet.

    The President and his service chiefs are aware of and have seen videos of different terrorism activities against fellow Nigerians in their communities in Adamawa, Benue, Kogi, Plateau, Taraba, Zamfara, etc. by the Fulani herdsman or by the “Bandits”…! You people have seen them also, and you kept quiet.

    The President and his service chiefs have kept quiet and watched and or have encouraged the “Miyetti Allah,” a cattle business organization, control and dictate the country’s security apparatus…! And you people have seen it and kept quiet.

    And now, you are calling on the same President to “sack” his partners-in-crime for atrocities against fellow Nigerians that you people either condoned by your inability to raise your voices earlier and soon it started happening or acquiesced to by your silence… This is indeed laughable!

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