By Benjamin Obiajulu Aduba
How will Mr. Muhammadu Buhari govern? How will he make important and urgent decisions? How much control would his party have over his decision making processes? Will APC survive the vice-presidential selection process?
These are some of the questions Nigerians are asking and watching to get the first preview of a Buhari Administration. It is five days since Buhari was swept into office by a whirlwind that buried his rivals. But it appears that GMB was not prepared to win. He has been caught flatfooted. How does one account for the fact that he did not have a VP in mind all these days he had been campaigning? The most important decision that a presidential candidate makes is to give the country a capable second in command. Five days have gone by and counting and GMB has not named his VP. Every day the rumor mill throws out a name and the name is swallowed up by the day’s end to make room for another rumored candidate.
The longer the selection process, the more difficult it will be to come together as a party as harsh words would have been exchanged and even dirty games played. These will be remembered and would result in less enthusiasm for Buhari. APC is missing out on one of the advantages of a convention which is happy members going home enthusiastically to promote the newly crowned “president.” By now losers would be bitter that their candidate did not win the VP sweepstakes.
This is one of what baffles me about our Nigeria. Could it be that APC did not know that a VP would be needed? If they knew how come they were not prepared?
Is this the precursor of the APC Administration?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Credit: Benjamin Obiajulu Aduba, Talkhard