BDB readers, how do you rid off a lover-girl you don’t want anymore?


girl no longer wantReaders, the following is from a male BDB reader for your advice: “I don’t want my girlfriend anymore but do not know how to let her off. For some months now, I have been trying to end the relationship but this girl has not been able to read between the lines. I invited her to the house when I knew another girl will be there but she didn’t care she didn’t break up with me. I don’t reply her pings until two days later and I don’t return her calls at all but she still does not get it. Whenever she visits, I make sure I don’t come close to her anymore but she does not care. I know I can tell her directly but I don’t want to do that because she is my friend’s little sister and she may want to use that opportunity to report me to my circle of friends who would want to talk it over between us. On my BB is this: ‘I am no longer in any love relationship and I am enjoying it’. Instead of her to confront me when she saw it, she only laughed and said she missed me. I don’t want her anymore because I am no longer happy with that relationship. Gentlemen and ladies, how do I get this girl off my neck? Help me.” (Photo credit: LIB)

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