In one of the tweets, the group said: “President Buhari borrow a leaf from PM David Cameron, call for a referendum and let Nigerians decides like they did to vote you into Power.”
In another tweet, the group said: “Nigerian President Buhari should call for a referendum to enable every Nigerians to vote if they want to stay as Nigerians or not, just like what David Cameron of Great Britain did.”
This very tweet was accompanied with what the Avengers see as a possible map of the Nigeria of the future. The map shows Nigeria split into five different countries, namely, Arewa, Niger Middle Belt, Oduduwa, United Niger Delta and Biafra.
Source: News Express
God Almighty! Is this where illegal acquisition of deadly arms leading Nigeria?How can a group of armed banditos now start dictating to a country because they hold upper hand in destructive ability?
Their demands are both suspect and modestly put illogical.They claim environmental abandonement by a Northern President. This same people did not see anything wrong when one of their own used state money to invite Jay Zee and Beyoncé to his KINGDOM at a over a MILLION DOLLARS tag.Avengers!! Do your homework carefully and properly because your reasons for blowing up everywhere is mischieveous and diabolical. Blow everywhere up and what have you got left? genius?