Alleged diversion of N400 million: Nigerian Army begins court martial of Maj Gen Hakeem Otiki


Nigerian Army begins trial of Maj Gen Hakeem Otiki over the alleged diversion of N400 million

Nigerian Army has begun the trial of Maj. Gen. Hakeem Otiki, former General Officer Commanding, 8 Division, Sokoto State, Nigeria, over the alleged diversion of the sum of N400 million by some soldiers in the division.

The Army confirmed that 5 soldiers under his Division made away a consignment containing the money, while on escort duty from Sokoto to Kaduna states in the first week of July 2019. The soldiers were asked to escort the money and deliver it to a Very-Important Personality in Kaduna State.

Nigerian Army identified the runaway soldiers as Corporal Gabriel Oluwaniyi, Corporal Mohammed Aminu, one Corporal Haruna, Oluji Joshua and Hayatudeen.

Notwithstanding the 5 runaway soldiers still at large, the trial of Maj Gen Hakeem Otiki at the General Court Martial, which sat at the Army Officers’ Mess, Asokoro, began at about 12:30pm on Tuesday, September 17.

The General Court Martial is being presided over by the army’s Chief of Policy and Plans, Nigerian Army Headquarters, Maj Gen Lamidi Adeosun.

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