All women are prostitutes -Bose Arowosegbe


Bose Arowosegbe

It does appear that busty and beautiful Yoruba actress, Bose Arowosegbe, is fast becoming a controversial personage. No one can question her boldness. But not many of her colleagues thought it was boldness when she brazenly disclosed in an interview with Vanguard, sometime ago, that lesbianism also exists in the Yoruba sector of Nollywood just as it does in the English-speaking sector. Now, it seems some women may be calling for her head for asserting with strong conviction that all women are prostitutes.

So strong is Bose’s conviction that she made a movie about it. In fact her fifth self-produced film titled ‘Tani Asewo’ literally meaning ‘Who’s a Prostitute’ is to drive home her belief that all women, bankers, actresses, lawyers, businesswomen are all prostitutes.

“It’s because people think that actresses are prostitutes. To say the truth, I believe that all women are prostitutes. People who think it’s only actresses should go to other fields and see what they do there” she told our reporter, explaining the inspiration behind the film.

When the reporter suggested she should have used another title for the film instead of calling all women prostitutes, she shot back, “Like which one? Maybe you should give me a title to use. To me,  I still insist that every woman is a prostitute. People should go and watch my film, and they’ll know how. They should go to other fields, and they’ll see for themselves that those people are even worse than actors. (Vanguard).


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