Former Minister of Agriculture and current President of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina took to Twitter to share photos of the 3 professors that came through for him financially in a chain-help sequence while in school.
According to Adesina, the academics gave him money and even offered him scholarship for his Masters and PhD program.
He tweeted:
This is a very humble and wonderful demonstration of gratitude! The Honorable Minister should pay back by vigorously supporting academic and corporate science and technology R&D [STRD] in Nigeria. Without a committed public focus on a deliberate strategy to domestication of STRD in Nigeria, the industrialization aspiration of Nigeria will remain a pipe dream. In fact, the agricultural sector will not advance meaningfully beyond importation of machinery that become obsolete in no time. Then the country will continue to go back intermittently into food importation.
JU Igietseme