Nigerian Army dismisses soldiers implicated in the killing of Sheik Goni Aisami


Army Dismiss Soldiers Implicated Over Killing Of Sheik Goni Aisami

Nigerian Army has dismissed two soldiers, Lance Corporal John Gabriel with service number N/A13/69/1522 and Lance Corporal Adamu Gideon N/A13/70/6552  attached to 241 Recce Battalion, Nguru, Yobe State, after finding them guilty on two-count charge.

According to the Acting Commanding Officer of the Battalion, Lt. Col. Ibrahim Abdullahi Osabo, the suspects were found guilty on two-count charge; namely: failure to perform military duties; and conduct to prejudice of service discipline.

Col Sabo said: “Good afternoon gentlemen. You are welcome to join the 24i RECCE Battalion Nugu. My name is Lt. Col. I O Sabo, the Acting Commanding General Officer.

“You are all aware of what happened a week ago when our service peronnel of this unit went out to commit atrocities where the Nigeria police arrested them.

“Thanks to Almighty Allah that we were able to do what is needful. The first phase of what we did was to initiate a military police investigation and the report gave us the latitude to sanction them based on the sections of Armed Forces laws.

They are now officially dismissed from the regiment from the Nigerian Army. We are taking them back to the sector headquarters in Damaturu which will now officially hand them over to the Nigeria Police to face their civil prosecution.

“Obviously, these men can never represent us. We are being paid by the Nigerian taxpayers’ money to hold guns and defend this country but these soldiers were not the true reflection of the Nigerian Army personnel. We want to assure you that we are law-abiding citizens and we want to dispense justice. If I am found wanting like these men, the same thing will happen to me.

“What you are seeing is the ‘dekitting’ of these soldiers. We will collect all military belongings in their care and even send their families packing out of this place.”

The suspects had their ranks reduced from lance corporal to private before their complete dismissal.

Recall that police in Yobe State apprehended Lance Corporal John Gabriel with service number N/A13/69/1522 and Lance Corporal Adamu Gideon N/A13/70/6552, both attached to 241 Recce Battalion, Nguru, Yobe State after allegedly killing a renowned Islamic cleric, Sheikh Goni Aisami in cold blood.

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