20-year-old woman allegedly raped by her employer, dies


20-year-old woman dies after she was allegedly raped and brutalised by her employer six days after resumption

A 20-year-old Kenyan lady has died after she was allegedly raped by her employer six days after she started working for him.

Cynthia Nanjala succumbed to her injuries on June 2, 2022, two weeks after she was found lying naked and brutalised in a secluded spot in the Lunga Lunga slums in Nairobi.

Cynthia told her sister that it was her employer who raped her but did not utter another word for almost two weeks before she died.

In an interview with NationKenya published on Friday, June 10, Yvonne Mbone Muruli, fought back tears as she narrated her last moments with her sister while she was admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)

20-year-old woman dies after she was allegedly raped and brutalised by her employer six days after resumption

The deceased’s sister

Ms Muruli, the second-born in a family of 10 children, said she regrets coming to Nairobi with her late sister, the lastborn, after the Easter festivities.

Ms Nanjala said came to the city to work as a house help, and the plan was the sisters would make money and use it to fund their ailing mother’s treatment.

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