Gen Abubakar, Was MKO’s Death Really Natural?, By Festus Adedayo



Trinidad and Tobago-born British writer of works of fiction and nonfiction in English, Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, commonly known as V. S. Naipaul, would seem to have Nigeria and the facts of Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (MKO) Abiola’s death in military detention in mind when he wrote his famous novel, Half of Life. Renowned for and indeed underscored by the Swedish Academy which awarded him the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature for his “incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories,” summarized, Naipaul’s Half of Life is a life of lie lionized to be true.

It was the life of Willie Somerset Chandran. Born to a Brahmin father, his father gave him the middle name, Somerset as homage to English writer, Somerset Maugham. He however despised this middle name and in the bid to hide it, he left India for London to study. There, he shrouded off that name and faked the facts of his life for many years, mimicking in the process other people’s behavior, in order to hide his past. In the end, reality caught up with Somerset as he had to remove his self-imposed mask and eventually come to terms with “the presence of suppressed history.”

Since the announcement of his death in detention in 1998, a world that salivated for the actual truth of Abiola’s sudden death got swallowed in official narratives that lack logic.  It is a cruel world where, interrupting a flourishing life midstream is commonplace. It is also a world where, suppressing and masking the truth of life’s interruption is a daily occurrence. Almost 24 years now after his passage, Nigeria has moved on to the next phase of its grisly life-dom. Here, we conclude without a conclusion because thoroughness and rigour are not part of our social world. The noise of the silence on Abiola’s death however persists, leaving an unfinished conversation of how MKO really died.

Military Head of State, Abdulsalami Abubakar, a man who gained the peace of Abiola and Sani Abacha’s death, recently exhumed the facts of Abiola’s passing. And, as they say in arithmetic, QED, the General magisterially packaged these “facts,” like a mortician, for eternal rest in the morgue. Abubakar had, in a live television programme, quenched the undying fire of speculations that Abiola died after sipping the tea he was offered by a visiting American delegation, led by Secretary of State for African Affairs, Thomas Pickering and consisting of Assistant Secretary of State, who later became the National Security Advisor, Susan Rice and Bill Twaddell, US Ambassador to Nigeria. Abubakar said that, rather than poison that was speculated, Abiola died of natural causes.

The narrative funneled out by the Abubakar military government was that, at the meeting the American team had with Abiola, he suddenly fell sick and, as Abubakar himself narrated in the recent interview, “the security officers called the medical team to come and attend to him, and when they saw the situation, they said it was severe and needed to take him to the medical centre. So, it was the medical team plus the American team that took him to the medical centre, unfortunately, at the medical centre he gave up.”

The prequel to Abiola’s death was the expiration of military despot, Abacha, a few weeks before. Up until then, Nigeria had exploded in a political turmoil provoked by General Ibrahim Babangida’s stiff-necked decision to annul the June 12, 1993 election. No government in Nigerian history had evoked so much national perspiration as the goggled General’s. Yes, the history of military rule in Africa had been that of muzzling of freedom and free speech, under Abacha’s, you couldn’t even sight the shadows of freedom, not to talk of its muzzle. Nigeria under him can be explained by that 1999 political drama produced by cinematographer, Tunde Kelani, entitled Saworoide. Abacha the titular was not only a despot, his military epaulettes dripped of blood. Opponents of his rule vamoosed in daylight and he clamped dissents in detention as easily as ants crowd a diabetic’s pee. Abiola’s wife, Kudirat, was shot dead in broad daylight and people lived in dread and apprehension. When he suddenly died on June 8, 1998, Nigeria exploded in a thunderous orgy of celebrations.

The death of Abiola, who had earlier been clamped in detention by Abacha for declaring himself president, exactly a month after Abacha’s, naturally provoked a conspiracy theory. Though Abubakar said he was grateful to providence that the American delegation’s presence at the scene of Abiola’s death provided enough alibi for his government’s innocence in the death, the delegation’s presence further gave vent to the conspiracy theory. As at this time, Nigeria’s intractable crises had proven enough embarrassment to the rest of the world, especially to an America which saw African dictators as hindrances to its self-assigned task of promoting global democracy, human rights and good governance in the Third World. America’s economic interests were also stalling due to the protracted crises. It was thus difficult to glibly impeach the theory spiraling at Abiola’s death that his “killing” was America’s quest to put a permanent end to the democratic impasse that had seized Nigeria like a pestilence.

Precedence didn’t favour America either. Its leading espionage organ, the Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA) had scooped frightening renown from all over the world for targeted killings of America’s perceived adversaries or persons who constituted stumbling blocks to its aspirations. While targeted killing is generally a euphemism for state assassination or murder, America’s state kingpins had always seen it as statecraft tool. It is supervised by governments and carried out outside of judicial procedure and battlefield but enveloped by the shawl of nationalist determination to neutralize terrorists and combatants. For instance, it is said that 76 children and 29 adult bystanders were killed by the CIA in America’s serial attempts to kill physician and founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) and ally of Al Qaeda, Ayman Al-Zawahiri. He had been indicted for his alleged role in the August 7, 1998 bombings of US embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya.

CIA’s notoriety in this regard is a plethora. One of such was Democratic Republic of Congo’s Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba, who was nearly killed on September 26, 1960 by an American called Joe. So also was the CIA’s attempt to assassinate Chile’s leftist politician, Salvador Allende in 1973. Same went for Cuba’s late president, Fidel Castro who, in his own admission, America made 634 futile attempts to assassinate.

Susan Rice’s memoir entitled Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For, which gave an account of what led to Abiola’s death, though plausible, is not entirely believable. Rice had served Abiola the infamous cup of tea which happened to be his last sip alive. She said she offered to give him the tea when Abiola suddenly lapsed into a coughing fit.

Glib, suasive and evocative, Rice sounded. She further wrote in the memoir that even upon taking the tea, Abiola’s persistent cough revved the more and when the team called a doctor to attend to him, he later pronounced his death, after an hour, as due to a heart attack.

The fact that, though MKO was a Muslim, a religion that forbids autopsy notwithstanding, an autopsy was said to have been conducted on the remains of Abiola which turned out negative. However, discarding the theory that the June 12 election winner could have been poisoned would be naïve. Research has shown that there are ten deadly poisons known to mankind and their powers vary. The poisons are: Arsenic, hemlock, Dimethylmercury, Polonium 210, mercury, Tetrodotoxin, cyanide, Atropa belladonna and Aconitine. While arsenic is renowned for being the most potent of the lot, harvesting in its sack the hugest cadavers in its fury, it has been in existence from ancient time. It is preferred in targeted killings because it presents without colour, smell or taste. Upon its administration, it manifests in vomiting, severe abdominal cramps and ultimately, as the Yoruba will say, the hawker of eko (corn meal porridge) in heaven stridently calls for patronage of her wares. While the list of its preys is endless, Napoleon Bonaparte, George III of England and Simon Bolivar are its famous victims.

Hemlock as poison was popularized in tales of Greek philosopher, Socrates’ execution. It has two variants: poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) and water hemlock (Cicuta species and Oenanthe crocata L). When administered, it presents with such numbing paralysis that, though the individual’s mind is continuously working, their physical movements grind to a halt by stealth and gradually leads to death.  It is same for Dimethylmercury, known to be an extremely poisonous material known also to be a slow killer. Its victim is only aware of a problem when they have begun to sing the nunc dimittis.  Even dosages as low as 0.1ml are renowned to be very lethal. This was the case in 1996 when a Dartmouth College, New Hampshire Chemistry teacher had a drop of it trickle down her gloved hand. It went through the glove’s latex and an autopsy on her body ten months later indicated that the dimethylmercury led to her death.

It is same for the rest of the poisons. While mercury could be sprayed in the air for victims to sniff to their death, Tetrodotoxin is an uncommon poison found inside marine animals like Puffer fish and Octopus. Atropa belladonna poison is also found in plants. Aconitine, like Atropa, resides in plants and gained notoriety in history as the poison with which the 4th Roman Emperor Claudius, also known as Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, was killed by his wife, Agrippina The Younger. Murdered at the age of 63, the empress merely mixed aconite with the mushroom meal she gave Claudius.Traditional Yoruba medicine also believes that the sundried bile of a leopard ranks as one of the deadliest poisons on earth. Some of these poisons can never be captured by any autopsy and even if they do, manifest as organ failure.

This is however not to conclude that the tea offered MKO by Rice contained the poison that killed him. The strongest motive for anyone to murder Abiola and Abacha lies in that, taking them out would ensure a tabular rasa political equation for the Nigerian polity, with both Nigerian and American political and governmental elites standing to reap bountiful dividends therefrom. Abiola’s trial by ordeal in detention in the hands of Abacha could as well have been the gradual poison that killed him. Indeed, knowing how maniacal Abacha was, the General could have caused any of the above poisons to be administered on him, in the hope that his expiration would come gradually. While America will look too sophisticated to allow its topmost officials to be amateurishly present at a proposed murder scene, especially with a not too salutary global renown in targeted killings, sometimes, confidence has been held to lead to slips and errors.

Suspicions of Nigerian and international complicity in MKO’s death were further reinforced by the not too dissimilar pattern of his and Abacha’s expiration. While Abacha gradually bloated in his latter days on earth, with a noticeable podgy face seen in his far-between TV appearances, his corpse allegedly distended at burial point. General Abubakar, while attempting to disclaim government’s hand in his death, would seem to be saying that the sudden sickness that took Abiola’s life was as a result of a heart disease. But heart diseases don’t come suddenly. The fact that a government doctor allegedly attached to treat him in detention didn’t identify hitherto that his heart was tensioned will show suspected lax or nil medical attention from government for him.

Like Naipaul’s Half of Life, in the fullness of time, the world will someday get a full disclosure of what or who actually killed MKO and Abacha, as well as other suspected targeted killings by the Nigerian state. It is scary that individuals take out their fellow beings in the name of the state and manage to maintain straight faces, as well as keeping their scotched hearts from view.

Unlike in the west, Nigeria does not have shamus agencies and organizations whose operations are independent of the state and who help to puncture these bloody balloons of knotty state and individual murders.

Of course, like every other sector of the Nigerian life, journalism investigative reporting is almost as dead as a dodo. Otherwise, well-funded media investigators could also undertake to unravel targeted killings like these. Though the investigations could take years, they will ultimately remove the shawls covering the identities of assassins covered in state clothing which many of our leaders are.

Credit: Festus Adedayo

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