Babangida is alive, his spokesperson, Afegbua, dispels death rumour


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Kassim Afegbua, spokesperson to the former military president, General Ibrahim B. Babangida (IBB), has dispelled reports that the former military president is dead. He said that IBB as he is popularly called is “alive and bubbling.”

Refuting an online report that claimed the former military leader had died, Afegbua said, “It has become consistent fake news for quite some time now wishing our own IBB, the one we easily refer to as “the last don” of Nigeria politics, dead.”

“May Allah forgive those who wish IBB dead. God is the giver and taker of life, not humans. Death, as the irrevocable end of all creation, will surely come to everyone some day and at the appointed time and hour, but to deliberately spread fake news and wish someone dead, is to take humanity to another bizarre level.

“May Allah forgive them. IBB, by the special grace of Allah, the omniscient and omnipotent One, shall live to fulfill his journey and destiny in life, to the consternation of those who are always wishing him dead. This is about the third time this year.”

“We wish to thank those who took time to reach out to us, home and abroad, to find out the truth. We thank you all for your love, care and concern. May Allah grant us all good health, sound mind and long life. Amin.”

1 thought on “Babangida is alive, his spokesperson, Afegbua, dispels death rumour

  1. May IBB rot in hell when he eventually dies. Who cares if he dies or lives. He is one of the historic destroyers of modern day Nigeria and even if he lives in mansions so big, one built with blood money and the peoples’ money he embezzled, on earth, God will never forgive him when he dies so he will rot in hell and suffer for the sin of destruction he perpetuated on the citizens of Nigeria and on the nation. It’s only in Nigeria an idiot like IBB can go scott free! Of curse his sycophants will always wish him well. Arrant nonsense!

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