Stop having sex with lowlife poor boys – Nigerian lady cautions other women (Photo)

Stop having sex with lowlife poor boys - Nigerian lady lailasnews
A Nigerian entrepreneur, Omotola aka ‘Jesusbaby’, took to Twitter to advise women to stop having sex with lowlife poor boys.

She said the lowlife poor boys will drag them down since they have nothing to lose. Just as expected, the Tweet gained a lot of reaction, with many people calling her out.

See what she wrote below:

“Stop having sex with all this lowlife poor boys that will come and drag you because they have nothing to lose, you people won’t hear word.

Those of you coming to this thread to cry should keep crying since you lack sense to comprehend.

Ask yourself why u are triggered and insulting me over this tweet!

Are you a lowlife?
Do you come to the TL to shame women because you both had sex? So why exactly are y’all triggered?…..or you just lack comprehension?

Well every1 will be Aii.


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