Know the 10 lies women tell in relationships


Whether it’s an effort to spare another person’s feelings or protect themselves, lying from time to time is something everyone does. But what about when that dishonesty comes from your partner? All lies, from little white untruths to serious deceit, can be detrimental to a relationship. And while both men and women are capable of being untruthful to their significant other, they may not always do it for the same reasons. Here are 10 lies women, in particular, tell.

1. How many people she’s slept with

Unless you got married right out of college, it’s likely both you and your significant other have had more than one s*xual partner. Although you know this to be true, it doesn’t mean you won’t cringe at the mention of their number. Which is why a woman might lie when questioned about her s*xual history. Of course, both partners need to accept each other for who they are, and if someone’s judgmental based on the number, it’s probably time to move on.

2. Her life on social media

Does your News Feed mostly consist of perfect couples, idyllic weddings, and dream vacations? If so, you’re not alone. In a world overrun with play-by-play updates and cyber-gloating gone mad, it’s no wonder your measly accomplishments pale in comparison. After all, your job promotion has nothing on that photo of a giggling toddler covered in spaghetti.

Daily Mail Australia reports one survey from The Works found 64% of Australian women made embellished or deceitful statements on social media, whereas only 36% of men were found to have done the same. Because so many people’s lives seem utterly perfect on social media, Douglas Nicol, creative director at The Works, told Daily Mail Australia they felt the need to investigate. But you don’t need to try to make yourself more desirable to your significant other, or anyone else for that matter, via social media. It won’t get you anywhere.

3. Saying she’s fine when she’s not

In the same survey, researchers found the number one lie women tell is, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” Anyone who’s heard these words before probably doesn’t consider it much of a punishable crime, but it is a lie, nonetheless. While it’s more acceptable in platonic relationships, such as with a co-worker, there’s no place for this little white lie in a romantic one. A woman telling her partner she’s fine when something’s weighing on her mind could end up making her feel isolated or resentful.

4. How much something cost

Money will always be a topic of conversation, regardless of who makes more of it. So, it’s quite possible a woman may be tempted to fudge the truth as to how much that new outfit really cost. Dating coach DeAnne Lorraine told Men’s Health, “We think a man will judge us for our spending habits, and that he’ll think we’re silly or frivolous.” When it comes to money, though, it’s always best to be honest.

5. Telling her partner they’re the best she’s ever had

Wanting to please your partner in bed is only natural, and vice versa. Maybe you’re with the person you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life, and that’s great. But the truth is, this doesn’t always mean you’ll both be the best the other’s had. One woman told CafeMom she lied to her husband about him being the best s*x she’s ever had. But honestly, will telling the truth in this situation really make anything better? Probably not. In this case, fibbing is just fine.

6. Fantasizing about someone else

Similar to the point above, is there really anything to gain by sharing fantasies (that don’t involve each other) in the middle of sexy time? Women’s Health points out it’s very possible ladies fantasize about another person while doing the deed.

Before you go getting your undies in a twist, though, remember you can’t control your thoughts, and neither can your partner. And while it may not be the perfect scenario, it’s probably not done purposefully. If you do decide you want to know the truth, be prepared for an answer you may not want to hear. Just think twice before you ask.

7. Having an climax

It’s not an urban legend by any means; some women have faked an climax at one time or another. Regardless of the reasoning behind it, it’s still a lie. Maybe she wanted it to be over. Or, perhaps she just knew it wasn’t going to happen this time. Whatever the case, it’s possible. In fact, according to Men’s Health, 48% of women have faked the big O.

8. Never having fooled around with her friends

Most people have good friends, both men and women, who’ve been through a lot with them. So, it’s not totally out of the question a woman will have dated one of her good friends. But before jealousy has a chance to rear its ugly head, she lies about it. If that friendship is important to her, though, Thought Catalog says there’s a good chance she’ll keep those dirty details of the past all to herself.

9. She wasn’t that into her ex

Anyone who’s devoted a significant amount of time to someone else surely had feelings for them, even if they no longer do. Susan Shapiro Barash, author of Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets, tells Men’s Fitness, a woman may lie about how she felt about an ex for a few different reasons. She might do it to come across as a good girl, to make it seem like she wasn’t endlessly searching for the right person, or just to protect her partner’s feelings.

10. Being on birth control

One survey asked 2,000 people about lies they’ve told or heard, and “I’m on birth control” made the list, ranking as the most severe fib. Being honest about all things related to s*x is always important, no matter what. And taking chances when it comes to risking a pregnancy? Definitely not cool.

Source: Informationng

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