The world of relationship is a complicated one. And sometimes, breakup makes it more complicated. Whether your relationship was a toxic one or not, you are still likely to regret few of your actions after a breakup.
Breakup may seem normal to some people. But it is a life changing decision and its natural for you to regret somethings you could have done better.
Let’s look at it sincerely, it’s not easy leaving someone whom you are so used to. Somebody that used to be the first person to call you in the morning and last person to call you at night. Breaking up with such person isn’t always an easy decision.
In this article, you will learn some unavoidable regrets people have after a breakup.
7 Unavoidable Regrets People Have After A Breakup
#1. They Failed To Establish Boundaries In The Relationship
One of the unavoidable regrets people have after a breakup is their failure to establish boundaries in the relationship. Failure to establish boundaries has led to the breakup of many relationships.
Establishing boundaries in a relationship is very important, yet most people often underlook this. Interestingly, most problems that led to several breakups could be have been avoided if proper boundaries were established in the early stage of these relationships.
So, it is advisable for partners to discuss things bothering them in a relationship. It should be about facing the bull by the horn and not being diplomatic about it. Well, being blunt and discuss issues bothering you in a relationship could lead to argument. But in the long run, you have said your mind and boundaries have been established.
If you fail to discuss things bothering you in the beginning of your relationship. It may inevitably becomes your post breakup regret. So, to avoid this, face every issue boldly in a relationship. It’s either boundaries are respected in a relationship, or it breaks. Don’t pretend to be okay with things, when deep down you are dying in silence.
#2. They Feel They Didn’t Try Hard Enough In A Relationship
Its natural for people to blame themselves after a breakup. They often think that if they had tried harder, the relationship wouldn’t have hit the rock. It is actually among the unavoidable regrets people have after a breakup.
Its natural for people to reflect about the past after a breakup. And most time, they feel if they had try harder, the relationship could have survived.
#3. They Wish They Ended The Relationship Earlier
They are people who actually wish they ended a relationship earlier than they did. This regret often comes from people who escaped from a toxic relationship. Some people actually waste time in a toxic relationship thinking things will be better. Oops! It’s never getting better, pressing the exit button is the best solution in a toxic relationship.
So, whenever you see that things aren’t working well between the both of you, never assume that things will get better. It is always advisable to quit a relationship that is seemingly not working. Don’t hope that things will eventually work in the future. You may actually be wasting your time.
#4. They Would Have Slowed Things Down A Little
“We would have slowed things down is also among the unavoidably regrets people have after a breakup. They believe that if they had taken things slowly, they would have been able to notice some of the things that led to the breakup.
Sadly, this particular regret often comes from ladies, especially when they have introduced the guy to every member of their family. Perhaps, they were probably planning wedding and a proper introduction has been done. If things go sour at this time, it often brings a lot of regrets.
#5. They Focused Too Much On The Relationship And Forget Themselves
A breakup could either wisen you up regarding a relationship or make you foolish, depending on how you take. To many people, breakup is actually an eye opener and their experience from the breakup will definitely affect their next relationship directly or indirectly.
You may regret after a breakup that you focused all your time, effort and resources on the relationship while forgetting yourself in the process. This could be very painful really. But don’t think about it too much.
Focus on developing yourself and be a better you. After all, the best revenge for a heartbreak is success. Make yourself relevant and important. Ensure that the next time your ex sees you, things are going perfectly for you better than they were when dating him or her.
#6.You Actually Gave Up Your Friends Just To Make The Relationship Work
It is always good to keep your friends closer to you. Irrespective of whatever relationship you are, you still needs friends. After all, they will always be there for you when things go sour.
And it could be one of the unavoidably regrets people have after a breakup if they actually cut loose of their friends just for the relationship to work, and still didn’t work.
Well, before you sacrifice your friends on the altar of relationship, take a deep breath and ask yourself does it worth it? Because your friends have been there for you, sacrificing for somebody you just met and will probably leave soonest isn’t always a wise decision.
#7. You Forget Areas Of Your Life That Needed Attention Just To Make Things Work
There is actually nothing bad sacrificing other things for a relationship to work. But when things go wrong in the relationship, you may actually regret such sacrifices greatly.
This is when you will be seeing areas you neglected yet things didn’t work out.
We all know that breakup is a very bad phase is someone’s life, especially if it is for married couples. However, reflecting and regretting things that have happened in the past isn’t actually a good idea. So, no matter how bad a breakup is, try to move on. This is the easiest way to avoid being depressed. (24hoursreporter)