You spend hours sitting in class staring at the guy you like and that you want to love you. That won’t get you very far. It’s time to learn how to let a guy know you’re interested.
Sometimes guys can be so oblivious to the signs that it gets frustrating. Girls, you know what I’m talking about. But listen, maybe you’re just not showing the right signs. Learning how to let a guy know you’re interested in a way that they’ll understand and respect is key.
Drooling over them definitely shows you like them but probably won’t work out for you in the long run. I’m speaking from experience. Trust me on that. How to let a guy know you’re interested
No one said it was easy telling someone how you feel about them. You have no idea how many times I’ve told someone I liked them and was turned down. And, from each rejection, rather than deciding that I would never tell anyone I like them ever again, I kept going. What’s the big deal? You tell them you like them, they don’t like you and you move one.
It’s amazing how quickly people forget these things. But we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and this stops us from taking the next step forward and telling someone how we feel. It’s time, ladies. It’s time.
#1 Tell him. I’m a big advocate for expressing your feelings. Plus, this is the easiest way for someone to understand how you feel. If you tell him of your interest in him, there’s no way he misinterprets that. You like him, and you told him you like him. Now, he knows exactly how you feel so he either accepts it or not.
#2 Be approachable. Sure, play the mysterious type, but why? It sounds exhausting and you wait for the guy to approach you. Yawn. Why not just open yourself and be more approachable. If you show a guy that you’re friendly and communicative, you show them that you’re interested in talking to them. Now, does this show you that you like them? Not necessarily, but it’s a good first step.
#3 Make the first move in a conversation. If you see him eating lunch alone or waiting in line for the elevator, be the first one to start a conversation. Usually, men assume they should be the one to make the first move in everything, but why not mix it up a bit? This shows him you’re interested in talking to him and allows him to make the first move the next time he sees you. Show him that you’re interested.
#4 Make eye contact. When we like someone, we stare at them. Well, why not look at them while they’re looking at you? Eye contact is one of the major signs we all follow when trying to see if someone is into us or not. If someone avoids eye contact with you, they’re not interested in you. However, if they stare at you while you look at them, it’s a clear sign that you are into each other. So, if you want him to know that you like him, look at him.
#5 Smile. I know this may seem elementary, but you would never approach a guy who’s always frowning and looking angry. So, why would a guy assume you’re interested in him if you look like that? Exactly.
It’s time to put a smile on that face because he won’t know you’re interested in him if you don’t look at him and smile. But, of course, don’t force it. If you don’t feel like smiling, then don’t.
#6 Ask him out. Now, you may be freaking out at this point, but don’t. When it comes to figuring out how to let a guy know you’re interested in him, this is definitely a strong first move, but that doesn’t make it bad. Why not ask him out? This clearly shows him you’re interested in getting to know him more. So, he probably will be more relaxed knowing you like him. Well, the first date jitters will simply vanish.
#7 Text him. I know people say that he needs to text you first and that you need to wait a couple hours to reply, blah blah blah. Listen, if you like him, just text him. Who cares about who texted who first. The point is, you’re interested in him, so he should know that. Send him a text and see if he replies. Who knows where it’ll lead you.
#8 Don’t act like a friend. You’re not friends. Let’s just make this very clear. You don’t even want to be his friend, you want something more, right? So, don’t act like his friend in order to somehow weasel yourself into the girlfriend or dating position. You need to make it obvious that you’re interested in him more than just a friend. That way, neither of you waste your time.
#9 Don’t play games. I know people love playing games. The whole “hot and cold” thing. Well, it’s boring. Frankly, if you’re genuinely interested in him then you should be honest with about how you feel. It’s easier for you in the long-run as well. Say what you want and mean what you say.
#10 Flirt. You most likely flirt with him naturally because you want to be intimate with him. Flirting is the first step to intimacy. You basically build up the sexual tension. This is a clear sign men go by when figuring out if someone likes them. They see if this person flirts with him. If not, they most likely are unsure of where your intentions lie.
#11 Be persistent. Now, this doesn’t mean you should stalk and harass him until he agrees to go out with you. But, be a little persistent with showing him how you feel. Don’t be hot one day and cold the next. If he takes you for ice cream, text him later telling him that you enjoyed it, or ask him to hang out with you again. Sometimes, you must put a little more effort in to show them that you like them. (Glaringtips.win)